All the staff at Alpha Industries would like to send our sincerest wishes for your health and well-being, and our thoughts are with those who are suffering physically, economically and mentally due to COVID-19.
We are facing challenging and unprecedented times. So much is uncertain as we join together in fighting an invisible enemy. But during this unified struggle, new heroes have emerged.
Alpha Industries’ corporate mission is to honor and protect the Everyday Hero. We hold a deep gratitude for those in public service, especially military service members. In this challenging moment, we wanted to thank all of the Everyday Heroes who are fighting on the frontlines against the global pandemic: first-responders, medical workers, scientists, grocers, warehouse workers, delivery drivers and all those working for and serving others amidst the threats of COVID-19. You are the soldiers in this global fight and your sacrifice and dedication is an inspiration to us all.
Everyone has to do their part in this fight. As part of our effort, Alpha has decided to donate a percentage of proceeds from all sales on our ecommerce site to Project C.U.R.E. over the next few months. Project C.U.R.E is working to provide medical workers and first responders with equipment needed to fight this global pandemic.
Lastly, I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to be an Everyday Hero themselves and help protect the most vulnerable and impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak in their community. Observe the CDC guidelines and take all precautions to avoid potentially contracting the virus yourself or spreading it to others. Reach out to those who are at-risk and vulnerable in your community if you are able, and assist with grocery shopping, pharmacy runs, and other essential needs. Check in with your friends and family, and try to keep a positive state of mind during this crisis. We are all in this together.